Join the 2015 WIHS Junior Committee! Apply today for an opportunity to join this great group of equestrian teens.



 Members of the 2014 Junior Committee get together to help plan events for WIHS.
Join a great group of teens from public, charter and private schools in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC to work with the Washington International Horse Show this summer, fall and during show week. Use your creativity and teamwork on a variety of projects from planning the WIHS scavenger hunt to taking photos of the WIHS mascot for social media. Take on important roles during show week such as giving tours and escorting members of the press, and share your equestrian knowledge to help educate show visitors about horses and horse sport.

If you are interested in a position of leadership and are well-versed in the equestrian community, consider becoming the 2015 WIHS Youth Ambassador. The WIHS Youth Ambassador chairs the Junior Committee and represents the show’s youth perspective to the media. 

Interested in becoming a member of the WIHS Junior Committee or the 2015 WIHS Youth Ambassador? Applications are now being accepted. Please review the requirements and complete the application forms. All applicants for the WIHS Junior Committee and Youth Ambassador Program must be students between the ages of 14 and 18 enrolled at local Washington, DC area schools.  Applications are due to WIHS by Tuesday, April 7, 2015. For more information, email

Mary Elizabeth Cordia, 2014 WIHS Youth Ambassador with Major,
the WIHS mascot.

WIHS Junior Committee lunch with top riders Meagan Nusz and Lillie Keenan at Fuel Pizza
during show week.



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WIHS is an official USEF Heritage Competition, and holds a CSI5*-W rating, the highest awarded by the Fédération Equestre Internationale,the governing body of international equestrian sport, as well as US Equestrian ratings of 6* Jumpers and  Premier Hunters. It is recognized by the US Hunter Jumper Association, Maryland Horse Show Association, and Virginia Horse Show Association. WIHS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization.